Database |
CyberTrans Swahili->Eng
Yale Swahili Living Dictionary
DDP Online Swahili-English-Swahili Dictionary |
Oxford Swahili wordlist monolingual
Russian-Swahili & Swahili-Russian
Dictionaries (ok) |
Useful Swahili Words. Also references.
Useful Swahili Words
(also here
(broken)) Some words and phrases. (broken)
Useful Swahili.
Words, phrases.
Lugha Ya Kiswahili.
An on-line phrase book.
Swahili homepage. Karibuni
Kamusi Project - The Internet Living Swahili Dictionary, history of the language, and links to other Tanzania,
Kenya, Uganda homepages, as well as Decks. [WAV]
Kiswahili Home Page. Online language Decks. |
Off-topic: other African languages
(online dictionaries)
1998 Bukusu Word List (5900 entries)
online dictionary
Kisseberth's 1996 Emakhua Word List online
Van Der Veen's 1994 Gevove Word List (ok) online dictionary
Downing's 1999 Jita Word List
(ok) online dictionary
Mathangwane 1995 Kalanga Word List (ok) online dictionary
Odden and Hubbard's 1994 Kerewe Word List (ok) online dictionary
Gazania and Hyman's 1996 Koyo Word List (ok) online dictionary
Jalla's 1982 Lozi Dictionary
(ok) online dictionary
Mouguiama's 1994 Mpongwe Word List (ok) online dictionary
Maganga and Schadeberg's 1992 Nyamwezi Word List (ok) online dictionary
Murphy's 1997 Venda Word List
(ok) online dictionary |
Off-topic: other African languages
Languages from Nigeria
/ Cameroon / Sudan MS Word <.doc> documents for Tarok (plus wordlists by subject), Basa, Gbari, Bura, Eggon, Katcha.
Gbari-English Dictionary (ok)
Fang-English Dictionary MS Word & text documents, require elimination of digits
and other symbols.
Snoxall's 1967 Ganda Dictionary
or text download) (txt is broken link)
1973 Kongo-English Dictionary MS Word
doc, text doc 2.3 MB
1981 Masaba-English Dictionary MS
Word or text download
Mandinka downloadable dictionary [PDF] 1.1 MB, comprehensive
Kavutirwaki's 1978 Nande Word List (Filemaker
or text download)
Gusimana's 1972 Pende Dictionary
or text download) |
Off-topic: other African languages
Bobangi-English Dictionary (broken)
Comparative Bantu On-Line Dictionary Data Files (broken)
Ganda-English Dictionary (broken)
Luganda-English Dictionary Database
Petit Dictionnaire
Yémba-Français (broken) |
Updated: 2023 January 1
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