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Online dictionaries
Translation engines
Special dictionaries
More links

More information

- - -
      For resources for a specific language, visit the appropriate language-specific section.

This section contains links to text translation engines, online dictionaries, and wordlists.

The advantage to wordlists is that, while online dictionaries are costly for users without a flat rate,
wordlists can be downloaded and learned with VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer). (To find out how wordlists are converted into VTrain files, see the Help file of program.)


      -  Metadictionaries search several online dictionaries at a time.

websters-online-dictionary.org **** Not affiliated to Merriam-Webster. Lots of information, but loads slow.
Babylon Define page **** Search engine for many (also odd) dics.
Albert Fontaneda's online dictionaries (ok) Multilingual (European langs)
DICT sets standards for databases of online dictionaries. Searches several English dics.
Onelook.com searches over 450 English dictionaries
On-line Dictionary of On-line Dictionaries (ok) A single edit control provides access to several dics.
Die.net English dictionary with phonetical transcription and wildcard search. Looks up in WordNet, Webster's, FOLDOC, and a variety of specialized sources.

> Übersetzertipps.de: Links (in German)

Online dictionaries

      (See also the links to More links)

Lexicool ***** Search engine of online dictionaries, sorted by subject!

Wortschatz Universität Leipzig ***** Search word corpora in 17 languages
Eurocosm ***** Detailed translation, simultaneously in en, fr, es, it, de.
Spellic ***** 1-to-1 translation, simultaneously into/from 15 of the official languages of the EU, Russian, and Croatian. Tip: The button "Standardsuche" leads to a fuzzy-search, click on "Enthält den Suchbegriff" instead.
WordReference ***** Detailed translation en, fr, es, it.
Allwords.com *****English dict. with multilingual translations.
Logos ***** An interactive multilingual dictionary which covers a variety of languages from Europe,the Middle East, as well as American English. Includes a "context" button that shows the word in context.

DDP Free Dictionary Project ***** Now online for 17 languages. (Downloadable versions available.)
WinDi ***** Bidirectional translation of words in 7 languages. Conjugation, grammar, (text-to-speech) voice, and multilingual E-Mail services.

Brand names
http://www.markenmuseum.com/index.php (in German) Origin of brand names.



European Union
IATE ***** European Union's online dictionary.
Eurodicautom 8-language dictionary ***** en, fr, de, es, it, da, nl, pt. Superseded by IATE.
Eurovoc European Union
Europarlament: Vademecum for external translators Glossaries about the European Union (in Spanish)
TIS Council of European Union

International organizations in general
United Nations at Vienna: VINTARS from the UN Conference Services. Free registration required.
UNTerm by the UN
UNESCO Infoterm International Information Centre for Terminology. No databank.
FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization)
ILO (Int'l Labor Organization)

Language Arts
Eurek@ for linguists
CILF Conseil International de la Langue Française
Unione Latina

Technical terminology
Terminómetro: Terminonauta ***** METAdictionary
www.granddictionnaire.com ***** Office Québécois de la Langue Française
Nordterm (see Terminology collection) Nordic countries
Termium Canada
Termdat Switzerland, only accessible via the government's Intranet
TermSciences by the French CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Universität Innsbruck: Terminologiedatenbank
CSIC: IEDCT (formerly CINDOC) Spanish Council for Scientifical Research, thesauruses
AETER: Terminesp
TermCat Catalonia
Euskalterm Basque Country
Iberoterm Spain and Latin America

ITU Telecommunication Terminology Database (TERMITE) Searchable 56,000-word English/French/Spanish/Russian technical terminology database.
Telefónica EN-CA-ES-PT
UPU: Termpost

Glosario de tipografía

More links
> Richard Watts' links to glossaries 1024 technical glossaries

Translation engines

      Tech info: Center for Machine Translation at Carnegie-Mellon
Albert Fontaneda's machine translation tools online Very convenient!

http://www.translationwave.com main Europ. and East Asian languages (Chinese, etc.)
http://heisoft.de/translate/ Western European languages

Amikai: AmiText translates up to 1000 chrs.
Systran: (A translation software company.) Free translation of txt, rtf, and html documents. (Free) registration needed. Technical glossaries.
Freetranslation.com English into main West European langs
InterTran bidirectional for several West and East Europ. langs. (WordTran offline translator for sale).
Babelfish Multilingual Translator by Altavista Main West European langs, Chinese, etc.
Language Dynamics - WinDi Online demonstration of commercial program; will translate up to 25 words.
Translator Online (South Africa)
(broken) Online demonstration of commercial translation software from Pink Software - handles full sentences.
Language Force (broken), developers of the Universal Translator. With the touch of a button you can Automatically translate Documents, Web Pages & E-mail in 25 Languages.
Elingo (WordBlaze) Multilingual Search (free online web page and text and email translation in many languages)
GO Translator Service (free online web page and text translation in many languages)
WinDi English to 6 other languages 25 words at a time (seem to have discontinued this service)

Word linkers

      The following services convert every word on a web page into a link to an online dictionary.

voycabulary.com Input the URL of a webpage and it will convert every word on that page into a link to Webster's online dictionary.
WordBot When you load a page through Wordbot, you can click on any word to look up its meaning in a separate frame or window. So you can look up single words on any webpage - in an online dictionary supported by WordBot. (It works similar to DDP and YXO described on the translation software page.)


      Oxford wordlists (no translations)

Language Automation's Glossaries by Language From Afrikaans through Yiddish
Arbert Fontaneda's online glossaries (ok)
OneLook list of dictionaries Large
Oxford University administered by Bob Douglas. Contact him at bob @ ftp.ox.ac.uk (alternatively root @ sable.ox.ac.uk) Beware: these files are very large.
ftp://qiclab.scn.rain.com/pub/wordlists/ coincides in part with the Oxford compilation.
Moby Project files at Oxford or here
Bilkent University
Kelk's wordlists
BCK from Cambridge
Woerterbuch: some files from these freeware dictionary programs can serve as wordlists.
Oxford wordlist random and ...other 
Text Corpora


      Acronym Expander from Norway
acronymfinder.com many languages
Akronyme/ acronyms [deutsch/english] from Berlin
Abkürzungs-Server/Acronym Dictionary from Hamburg
The WorldWideWeb Acronym Server 
Acronym online dictionary
Acronym Finder
Babel: computer abbreviations and acronyms
Cordis RTD Acronyms


      Note: this section contains not only thesauruses, but also other kinds of dictionaries leading from concept to word (as opposed to translating or defining dictionaries).

> Library of Congress: Thesauri

Bartleby's Roget's Thesaurus ***** Updated in 1995.
Princeton WordNet ***** This lexical synonyms/hypernyms/toponyms dictionary is an on-line lexical reference system whose design is inspired by current psycholinguistic theories of human lexical memory. English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary and thesaurus Awkward interface (Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, Tenth Edition)
WordSmyth An integrated dictionary and thesaurus.
Roget's Thesaurus
Vancouver Synonyms
Bartlett's familiar quotations
(Roget's) Thesaurus.com
Synonym and Antonym Dictionary
Casey Snow's Reverse Dictionary (broken) You type in a definition and get a word !
Phrase Finder
Type a phrase and retrieve a list of related phrases.
Cliche Finder
Rhyming Dictionary Find words that rhyme with, almost rhyme with, or sound exactly the same as a certain target word, or find words that approximate or have the same meaning as an intended concept.
Handbook of Rhetorical Devices

Special dictionaries

      Word Origins.org
WordSmith's Anagram Converter Rearranges the characters in a sentence to form a new, meaningful one.
The Phrase finder Input a word and get related sentences.
The Etymology of First Names about the origin of names. (broken)
http://www.behindthename.com/ Encyclopedia of first names.


      > More encyclopedias

Wikipedia A free collaborative project.
Encyclopedia Britannica

Oriental Encyclopedia
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia
Encarta online library
Encarta (French)
The Internet Public Library (main desk)
Virtual reference desk
Kent virtual reference desk
Argus Reference library of guides to information
Facts from CIA
Icarito, Spanish encyclopedia.
Meyers Lexikon - Das Wissen A-Z
Online German encyclopaedia

More links

      TodoDiccionarios.com *****
University of Vaase Term Online

TechWriter.de *****
Jissen University jump page of dictionaries *****
WinDi TranslationHelp in 7 Languages (D, E, F, GR, I, P, S) Dictionaries, Conjugation, Sentence translation. Two free services are available: dictionary and conjugation.

Specialized dictionaries
Unilat.org list of dictionaries
A List of Dictionaries by Martin Ramsch
Anna Mazzoldi's Italian site with dictionaries, groups, computer resources, etc.
S. Baum's list of online dictionaries and glossaries
Rivendel Amazingly complete
TranslatorGuide 100 dictionaries
Internet Sleuth: Search 1300+ databases, including dictionaries
World Health Organization translation links (includes computer-assisted translation dictionaries)
Michael Gierhake's long list of multilingual dictionaries, other references
The Internet Public Library dictionary section
Milan Dictionaries
Even more dictionaries, from WWW Virtual Library
Dictionaries in many languages (Yahoo) and encyclopedias
The University of Queensland language links page
Linguistics resources - Michigan Univ.
Berkeley Foreign language resources, some dictionaries
Yamada foreign language resources for many, many languages
Small list of foreign language resources from the army
List of glossaries and bilingual dictionaries (TransBiz page)
Microsoft Windows NT terminology glossaries between English and various languages
Tons of dictionaries: OED, Multilingual & technical dictionaries
Rivendell International Communications Very extensive, many languages
Yourdictionary.com Long dict. list (mostly minority languages) on a single page.
Mike's collection Very well structured (table)
Martin Ramsch's list of dictionaries
Albert Fontaneda's online dictionaries list (ok) Multilingual (European langs)
TravLang (ok) Western European langs plus Afrikaans, Hungarian, Czech.
A web of online dictionaries (Bucknell University): links to over 1000 dictionaries, classified both by language and by category.
Ohio university Resources on languages Resources well-sorted by language, well commented. Fine.
Grant and Cutler An on-line catalog of more than 2500 dictionaries specialising in multilingual and bilingual dictionaries.
The LINGUIST List: Dictionaries, etc. List of URLs, many languages.
Yahoo! - Reference: Dictionaries
Martindale's Language and Translation Dictionary Center An exhaustive listing of dictionary resources.
Linguist.tamu.edu Some interesting comments.
http://www.cs.latrobe.edu.au/~yuand/dict.html Even odd langgs.
http://mel.lib.mi.us/reference/REF-dict.html Even odd dics.
Vada.nl A multicultural directory. Choose "Languages" to more to find dictionaries in more languages than anywhere else. Very comprehensive, hence useful as a last hope, but poorly structured.
Langenberg search controls to several English dics and a Multilingual dic on the same page.
Trados' list of online databases/glossaries Includes business, medicine, computers, technology, science, etc.
Jennifer's language page : say "Hello", "Merry Xmas" or "I don't understand" in hundreds of languages. 

More information

      More information on wordlists:

· Thomas Gattinger (The Windows Spying Project) also maintains The Wordlist Project.
Dave Fawthrop's FAQ on wordlists.
· Brian Kelk's
info on word / letter frequency and more.

Symbols and Abbreviations used in this section:

  • > Link denotes a collection of links.
  • ISO 639 codes: fr-de means French into German, fr+de or fr<->de a bidirectional dictionary.
  • (ok) means the link worked the last time we visited it
  • (broken) means the link seems not to be available any more
    Updated: 2024 July 30
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