
PayPal is a global leader in online payment solutions. You can use PayPal to pay securely without sharing your
bank or card details with any online merchant.
PayPal is available in 203 countries and regions. Depending on your location, you can reload your PayPal account by different methods, including credit or debit card, wire transfer, eCheck and cell phone credit. For more information, look up your country at paypal.com
No registration required – PayPal supports instant payments with most credit or debit card brands:

To donate now, you can click on any one of the 23 currencies supported by PayPal:
Australian Dollar |
Brazilian Real |
British Pound |
Canadian Dollar |
Czech Koruny |
Danish Krone |
Euro |
Hong Kong Dollar |
Hungarian Forint |
Israeli Shekel |
Japanese Yen |
Mexican Peso |
New Zealand Dollar |
Norwegian Krone |
Philippine Peso |
Polish Złoty |
Russian Rouble |
Singapore Dollar |
Swedish Krona |
Swiss Franc |
Taiwan Dollar |
Thai Baht |
US Dollar |
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If your currency is not listed here, you can still make a donation in euros: