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Websites in general

      Wikipedia: English language
ESL Café ***** A popular address about EFL.
British Council Teaching Tips *****
http://www.tolearnenglish.com (non-commercial)
http://members.home.net/englishzone/ (non-commercial)
Volterre EFL links (in French)
Japanese ESL site
http://www.englishclub.com directory
The Vocabula Review Information about the correct usage of English, sometimes informative, sometimes witty.
La Mansión del Inglés (in Spanish) *****
Word Wide Words Michael Quinion's guide to word coinage in International English.

Phonetical maps of US:

Non-natives speaking English:
Speech Accent Archive Sound samples of people from all over the world speaking English.

Books in general



      The ELCC 1.4 / 2.2 / 3.0 Software. Audio stories for enhancing ESL listening comprehension.
http://www.spotlight-online.de/ stories and texts for German Sekundarstufe II.

Online courses

      http://a4esl.org/ Online ESL quizzes.
Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab Features Real Audio files and question handouts. Good.
kico4u.de Exercises for German-speaking learners of (British) English of all ages.
University of Iowa's American English Phonetics
BBC: Learning English
English Club
ESL Pod Podcast

Course books



      http://www.learnenglish.org.uk (British Council)    

Printed dictionaries

      Collins Dictionaries and Phrasebooks Online
Free English, Cobuild and Foreign Language Dictionary
look-ups available. Subscribe to or download a dictionary to your
desktop or mobile device. Learn a language fast with iPhrasefinders and
audio courses for iPods and mobiles. Free trials available.

Grammar training software

      Editor in Chief (Critical Thinking Books & Software)
Commercial demo
An English grammar tutor.
A short text is displayed. Select the mistakes by hand (or click on a "Hint" button) and choose (or view) which kind of grammar mistake (tenses, punctuation, etc.) has been made by the author, from a fairly comprehensive English grammar guide included. Your performance is assessed.
After this phase you can play a kind of Arcade game in which you have to shoot misspelled words.

Grammar Fitness 1.3

Gramster 0.99 (in French)
70 points (topics) in full.
"Gramster est une grammaire qui vous permet de travailler de manière structurée et progressive 8 points de grammaire par niveau. Vous bénéficiez d'une approche pédagogique moderne et les sujets illustrant les différents points grammaticaux font partie de la vie et de l'environnement d'aujourd'hui. A la fin de chaque niveau, 10 tests vous sont proposés afin de valider vos progrès. Simple, pratique et efficace, Gramster est l'outil idéal pour apprendre, réviser et maîtriser tous les aspects de la grammaire anglaise."

Online grammars

      Essex University - Lexical functional grammar
Education Finder (commercial) Search engine. Good online English grammar.
The American Heritage® Book of English Usage Online version. *****
Paul Brian's Common Errors in English Online version. *****
ego4u, English Grammar Online (in German)

Printed grammars





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