Fault-tolerance for alternate spellings, etc.
The Review mode is able to recognize typical word variants, missing articles, etc. In addition, thanks to this
feature, authors can set up their materials faster by using abbreviations (e.g. sb = somebody). |
Review Schedule: Interval checking
With this option, VTrain keeps track of the failure rate for each of the intervals of the Review Schedule. This
helps the user to decide where the time intervals between the Boxes should be increased or reduced. |
Review Schedule: Automatic adjustment after missed reviews
If you have missed some of the reviews scheduled for a card (during a vacation, for example), but you answer that
card correctly thereafter, it will be sent to as high a Box as if you had gone through all the reviews scheduled
for the period in question. |
Review Schedule: Automatic phasing of cards into the Project
With this option, the amount of cards in Box 1 of the Project can be kept constant by feeding it with cards from
the Pool (Box 0), when cards leave Box 1 during Review sessions. |
Review Schedule: Calendar feature
With this option, you can set different deadlines for a given Deck of cards on a calendar. The cards will be phased
into the Project at set intervals, and a speedometer will tell you if you are ahead or behind schedule for that
set of cards. |
Review Schedule: Pop-up reminder
A pop-up window reminds you of short-time repetitions scheduled, even while you are using other programs. |
Cheat-proof Review mode
In a password-protected multiuser mode, certain functions could be disabled, e.g. the "cheating" command
in the Review mode. VTrain can thus be used for administering examinations over the local network of a school. |
Performance logs
User-specific logs help to track the evolution of a user's performance throughout a given period (e.g. a school
term). They are presented by way of statistical graphs. |