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A language may include several variants or dialects. But when a language evolves from another one, when does it become a language
on its own? Would you say that English is a dialect of Old Germanic? Or that Spanish is a dialect of Latin?
We chose to make the index of homepages and the clickable language tables on this site comply with the scientific definition mentioned above. Of course, no political statement is intended by this approach. |
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Analytic languages
favor the use of words with invariable forms, and the roles words play in a sentence is usually determined by way
of word order and grammatical particles. Examples of analytic languages include English and Chinese.
In Polysynthetic languages a sentence can consist of a single stem with many affixes attached. American Indian languages such as Cherokee belong to this group. |
In order to trace the common source language from which several languages
are descended, philologists compare the features of those languages, in particular the vocabulary related to culture-independent
notions (which is not likely to have been borrowed). As a result, they try to reconstruct a Proto-language to that
family of languages and to identify the laws that have ruled the phonological, morphological, and semantical development
of each of the languages in question. This research method was introduced by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the 19th c. Today we know much more about the etymology of languages. Languages with a common origin are grouped into families. In turn, families can be grouped in stocks, and stocks in phyla [pl. of "phylum"]. Finally, phyla can be grouped in macrophyla. On the other hand, when genetic relationship is uncertain, the vague term "group of languages" is used, defined in terms of either a geographical or an ethnic criterium. Sometimes a new language with a simplified grammar and very limited vocabulary arises as a means of communication between people belonging to different linguistic communities. In such cases, attributing parentship of that language to a single language is an overt simplification. Such a language is called a pidgin. A pidgin is never spoken as a first language. If it becomes one, it is called a creole language. Most pidgins and creoles in use today are based on European languages. Below you will find a list of some of the language groups existing on Earth. Extinct languages are marked "±". (Please note that not all scholars agree in the genetic classification of languages.) 1. Indo-European family ![]() 1.1. Italo-Celtic 1.1.1. Celtic: Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic, Welsh 1.1.2. Italic Latin > Romance languages: Catalan, Corsican, French, Galician, Italian, Ladino (Sephardic), Occitan (Provençal), Papiamento, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romance, Romanian, Spanish Umbrian 1.2. Germanic 1.2.1. Low German: Old Saxon ±, English, Frisian, Dutch / Flemish 1.2.2. Middle German: German 1.2.3. Upper German 1.2.2. North Germanic West Scandinavian: Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian East Scandinavian: Danish, Swedish 1.2.3. East Germanic: Gothic ± 1.3. Baltic: Latvian (Lettish), Lithuanian, Old Prussian ± 1.4. Slavic 1.4.1. West Slavic: Polish, Czech / Slovak, Sorbian, Kashubian 1.4.2. East Slavic: Russian, Ukranian, Belarusian 1.4.3. South Slavic: Bulgarian, (Slavic) Macedonian, Croatian / Bosnian / Serbian, Slovene 1.5. Illyrian-Albanian: Albanian 1.6. Hellenic: Old Greek ±, Modern Greek 1.7. Thracian-Phrygian: Thracian ±, Phrygian ± 1.8. Anatolian: Hittite ± 1.9. Armenian 1.10. Indo-Iranian 1.10.1. Indo-Aryan: Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Sinhalese, Romany 1.10.2. Iranian: Tajik, Persian (Farsi) 1.11. Tocharian 2. Uralic family ![]() 2.1. Finno-Ugric 2.1.1. Ugric: Hungarian 2.1.2. Finnic: Finnish, Estonian, Votic, Sami, Erzya 2.2. Samoyedic 3. Altaic family ![]() 3.1. Turkic: Turkish, Azerbaijani, Turkmen, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Uzbek, Uighur 3.2. Mongolian 3.3. Manchu-Tungus 4. Japanese ![]() 5.1. Japanese 5. Korean ![]() 5.1. Korean 6. Basque ![]() 6.1. Basque 7. Caucasian family ![]() 7.1. Abkhazo-Adyghian: Abkhaz 7.2. Nakho-Dagestanian: Chechen, Ingush 7.3. Kartvelian: Georgian 8. Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic) family ![]() 8.1. Semitic 8.1.1. Northern peripheral Semitic: Akkadian (Assyro-Babilonian) ± 8.1.2. Northern Central Semitic: Phoenician ±, Canaanite ±, Aramaic ±, Hebrew 8.1.3. Southern Central Semitic: Arabic, Maltese 8.1.4. Southern Peripheral Semitic: Ge`ez ±, Tigrinya, Tigre, Amharic 8.2. Egyptian: Old Egyptian ±, Coptic 8.3. Berber: Guanche (?) ±, Tamazight 8.4. Cushitic 8.5. Chadic: Hausa 9. Niger-Congo family ![]() 9.1. Mande 9.2. Atlantic-Congo 9.2.1. Atlantic 9.2.2. Volta-Congo Benue-Congo Bantu: Swahili, Lingala, Zulu, Xhosa, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Setswana, Shona, Tsonga Kru Kwa: Ewe Gur Adamawa-Ubangi: Sango, Ngbandi Dogon 9.2.3. Ijoid 9.3. Kordofanian 10. Nilo-Saharan family ![]() 10.1. Nilotic: Maa 10.2. Surmic: Surmic 10.3. Nubian: Nile Nubian 10.4. Taman: Tama, Sungor, Mararit 10.5. Saharan: Kanuri 11. Khoisan family ![]() 11.1. North Khoisan / North San: !Kung, //Kh'au-//'en 11.2. Central Khoisan / Khoe 11.2.1. Khoekhoe: Nama, !Ora, Griqua 11.3. South Khoisan / South San: /'Auni, //Ng-!Ke, Khomani 12. Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) family ![]() 12.1. Formosan 12.2. Western Malayo-Polynesian: Malay / Indonesian, Javanese, Tagalog, Malagasy 12.3. Central Malayo-Polynesian 12.4. South Halmahera — West New Guinea 12.5. Oceanic 12.5.1. Polynesian: Tongan, Tahitian, Maori, Hawaiian 12.5.2. Micronesian 13. Papuan group of languages ![]() 13.1. Ramu phylum 13.2. Torricelli phylum 13.3. West Papuan phylum 13.4. Bougainville phylum 13.5. Central New Guinea macrophylum 13.5.1. East New Guinea Highlands phylum 13.5.2. Finisterre-Huon phylum 13.5.3. Central and South New Guinea phylum 13.5.4. West New Guinea Highlands phylum 13.5.5. South-East New Guinea phylum 13.5.6. Madang phylum 13.5.7. Adelbert Range phylum (?) 13.5.8. Middle Sepik–Upper Sepik–Sepik Hill phylum (?) 13.5.9. Anga stock (?) 13.6. [Other phyla and isolates] 14. Australian Aboriginal group of languages ![]() 14.1. Andilyaugwan 14.2. Bunaban 14.3. Bureran 14.4. Daly 14.5. Djeragan 14.6. Djingili-Wambayan 14.7. Gunavidjian 14.8. Gunwingguan 14.9. Kakadjuan 14.10. Karawan 14.11. Kungarakanyan 14.12. Larakian 14.13. Mangaraian 14.14. Mangerian 14.15. Maran 14.16. Minkinan 14.17. Murinbatan 14.18. Nagaran 14.19. Ngewinan 14.20. Nunggubuyuan 14.21. Nyul-Nyulan 14.22. Pama-Nyungan 14.23. Tiwian 14.24. Warraian 14.25. Wororan 14.26. Yanyulan 14.27. Yiwadjan 15. Tasmanian family ± ![]() 16. Austro-Asiatic family ![]() 16.1. Munda: Santhali, Mundari, Ho 16.2. Mon-Khmer: Vietnamese, Khmer (Cambodian), Mon 17. Miao-Yao family ![]() 17.1. Hmong (Miao), Yao, Sho 18. Tai family ![]() 18.1. Northern: Zhuang 18.2. Central 18.3. Southwestern: Thai, Lao 19. Sino-Tibetan family ![]() 19.1. Sinitic (Chinese) 19.1.1. Mandarin: Standard Chinese 19.1.2. Wu 19.1.3.Hsiang (Hunanese) 19.1.4. Kan 19.1.5. Hakka 19.1.6. Yüeh: Cantonese 19.1.7. Min: Hokkien (Taiwanese) 19.2. Tibeto-Burman: Tibetan, Burmese (Myanma), Bhutanese (Dzongkha) 19.3. Karen 20. Dravidian family ![]() 20.1. North Dravidian: Brahui 20.2. Central Dravidian: Telugu 20.3. South Dravidian: Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam 21. Eskimo-Aleutian family ![]() 21.1. Inuit: Kalaallisut, Inuktitut, Inuktitun, Inupiaq 21.2. Yupik 21.3. Aleut 22. Macro-Algonquian phylum ![]() 22.1. Ojibwa, Algonquin, Blackfoot, Cheyenne, Arapaho 23. Athabascan phylum ![]() 24. Macro-Siouan phylum ![]() 22.1. Siouan: Catawba (?) ± 22.2. Iroquoian: Cherokee 22.3. Caddoan 25. Aztec-Tanoan phylum ![]() 25.1. Uto-Aztecan / Uto-Nahuan 25.1.1. Shoshonean Numic Tubatulabal Takic Hopi 25.1.2. Sonoran Pimic Yaquian / Taracahitian Coran Nahuan: Nahuatl 25.2. Kiowa-Tanoan 26. Mayan family ![]() 26.1. Western Maya: Tzeltal 26.2. Eastern Maya: Quiché, Cakchiquel 26.3. Yucatec: Yucatec, Lacandón, Itzá, Mopán 26.4. Huastec 27. Quechuan ![]() 27.1. Quechua 28. Aymaran family ![]() 28.1 Central Aymara 28.2 Southern Aymara 28.3 Jaqaru 29. Tupi-Guarani family ![]() 29.1 Tupi 29.2 Guarani 30. Ainu ![]() 30.1 Ainu |
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Someone's first language, native language or mother tongue is the language that person learns in their childhood. Accordingly, a second
language is a A lingua franca is a language that is being used as a means of communication between people who have no first language in common. Some languages acting as such are not native to anyone, typically pidgin languages and auxiliary languages. A cultural language is a language in which a many literary and scientific works have been written over a considerable period of time. Certain languages were created exclusively as literary languages and have never been spoken by anybody as a first language. This is the case of Pali. The term language planning refers to interventions orchestrated by (mostly public or state-sponsored) institutions. The purpose of this is, in most cases, to set a standard for the language, constructed from several varieties. This usually implies a spelling reform and improving the fitness of the language for literary or scientific use. Examples of natural languages affected by extensive planning include Norwegian, Indonesian, Hebrew, and Basque. The more spread a language, the more difficult it is to put through such a planning (this is the case of English.) A world language is spoken by a sizable sector of the population of the Earth, but not necessarily as a first language. Today, only Chinese, English, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, and possibly Portuguese, are considered as world languages. See this page for more information. |
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